01 What is the difference between the trial version and the retail version?

StreamByte Amazon Video Downloader offers a limited 30-day free trial. Please note that you can only download the first 5 minutes of the video during the free trial period. If you like the product after checking its features and specifications, you can upgrade the free trial version to the full version. This will allow you to use it comfortably.

02 Do I need to install Amazon Prime Video?

No. Our StreamByte Amazon video downloader pops up a web browser where you can log in to your Amazon account and then search for videos on Prime Video just like you would in any other browser like Chrome.

03 How do I register for the software?

After you successfully purchase the product, you will be shown a page with your registration code, or we will send you an order information email. You can use the registration email and registration code provided in the email to register by clicking the key icon in the upper right corner of the software.

04 I purchased the software but did not receive a license code.

Normally, after you successfully complete your order, we will send you a registration code via email within an hour. If you do not receive the email or lose your email code,"videobyte@ticketsservices.zohodesk.com"Please contact us (please provide your order details) and we will send you the registration code immediately.

05 What should I do if my registration code is no longer valid?

The 4104 error code may occur when you change your computer or reinstall your computer, or when you use a license code that you have already used on another computer.

  • If the 4104 error code still occurs after reinstalling the OS, you can reset the code to make it take effect.
  • If you want to use the software on a new computer, we can reset the code for you, but the original code will be invalid.
  • If you want to use the software on a second computer, you will need to purchase another license code, and there is a discount for purchasing a new license code.

If you need to reset the code "videobyte@ticketsservices.zohodesk.com"Please contact us at:

06 What should I do if I need to reinstall the system or software, or change my computer model?

In these cases, you can simply re-download and install the software from the official website. However, you will need to reset your registration code. Don't worry, just send us a request to reset it via our support email. "videobyte@ticketsservices.zohodesk.com"Once sent to you, we will reset your registration code and once complete, you will be able to successfully register your product via your original registration email and registration code.

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